Espoo school of
circus and theatre

What is Esko?

What is Esko? Espoo School of Circus and Theatre Esko is the largest school of performing arts in Finland, our operational units are located in diferent parts of Espoo. We teach Theatre and Circus Arts as a hobby for people of all ages. We have over 600 students and in experience-filled and interactive small groups they all gain both mental and physical skills. Everyone has the opportunity to learn, produce ideas, and create something new.

Circus and theatre change lives

Circus and theatre suit everyone. They are forms of art that enrich life with new skills, friends, physical fitness, and mental well-being. Esko draws children, adults, and senior citizens away from digital gadgets into a reality filled with joy of living where everything is truly possible. Since 1999 our mission has been to teach two marvellous and empowering fields of art with iron-clad expertise and great love. In our school, you can acquaint yourself with both of these arts at the same time during Circus-Theatre classes. All our students also get a taste of the other art form during their studies.

Support association

Espoo School of Circus and Theatre Esko is an educational institution maintained by a registered support association. The city of Espoo and the Ministry of Education and Culture support Esko financially.

Our Core Values

Esko education is open for everyone. There are study groups for students aged 3-18 and also adults and senior citizens. Teaching is carried out mainly in Finnish. If necessary, our teachers can also communicate in English. Art knows no language boundaries!

The enrolment for study groups takes place online. The study groups will be filled in the order of enrolment. Take your time browsing the groups and click on the links for further information. The information is provided also in English. When enrolling, you will be asked to provide personal and contact information. You will also be asked if you wish to give a filming permission.